Happy Thanksgiving from Close to Home!

By January 10, 2018Home

Millions of Americans are taking this weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving with their families and neighbours, and all of us at  Close to Home want to wish you a wonderful time. This is the perfect time to slow down and catch up with the people you love, especially the ones you don’t see as often. Make sure to enjoy your time together and make some memories that you will cherish.


It can be hard sometimes to stay in touch with loved ones after Thanksgiving ends. With older relatives, this separation can be especially worrisome. How do you make sure that they are safe in their home? Close to Home can give you and your loved one peace of mind with our personalized motion sensor systems, letting you check in on their safety from a convenient mobile app at any time. Close to Home’s system can detect and report a fall or accident to both a senior’s caregivers and to emergency services automatically, reducing the risk of serious complications. All of these solutions are available at Black Friday prices… all the time! And you won’t have to wait in line in the wee hours of the morning to get them; just visit Close to Home’s pricing page to get a quote, or call 1-888-877-2569. You and your loved ones will be thankful you did.